CNN presidential debates 2024: Who won Biden or Trump?

Are you wondering who won the CNN presidential debates 2024, Biden or Trump? From the moment Biden stepped onto the stage, he appeared unsteady, muttering as he approached the podium. He aimed to criticize Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, stating, “We had an economy that was in free fall… By the time he left, things were in chaos. So we put things back together.“
Biden also mocked Trump’s resistance to COVID-19 safeguards, referencing misinformation about cures. Trump, in his characteristic hyperbole, claimed, “We had the greatest economy in the history of our country. We have never done so well. Everybody was amazed by it. Other countries were copying us.” Now, let’s look at How to Watch the Debate Tonight, What time is the debate and more.
What Time Is the Presidential Debate?
The first presidential debate time between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump is scheduled to begin at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (ET) on Thursday. This pivotal event will last for approximately 90 minutes, concluding around 10:30 PM ET.
The scheduled debate in Atlanta, Georgia at the CNN Studio featuring CNN journalists Dana Bash and Jake Tapper will touch on main goals and priorities of the candidates such as the economy, healthcare, immigration, foreign policy. On the social media ‘X’, an user shared a post showing brutal counter of Trump to Biden in the debate.
Did Biden Lack Practice on Stage?
In 2012, Biden had mainly been at Camp David leading up to presidential debates 2024 in participating in rehearsals with aides in a simulator. Still, his performance could be considered significantly unsteady. He stumbled in speech and inaction, letters got twisted and morphed into other forms, not to mention out and out sloppy speech.
This gave many people a reason not to believe that the now president is ready or has the energy to stand the intense ordeal. In his effort to tackle Trump’s lies on economy and COVID-19, this seemed less effective because of the way he said it.
Can Trump be Said to Have Changed the Subject?
Trump did not miss a chance to shift the focus to Biden’s vulnerabilities, using issues such as immigration and the economy to try and scare people. He continued his lies that the 2020 election was fraudulent and stated he would accept the results of the next election only if it is ‘fair’ and ‘free.’ He dominated the stage significantly more than Biden even if the latter had no charisma at all.
What Were the Key Moments of presidential debates 2024?
The trump biden debate featured heated exchanges on various topics, including immigration, the economy, and abortion. Biden tried to dispel the link between immigration and crime, emphasizing that immigrants, on average, are less likely to commit crimes than US-born citizens.
He also called out Trump’s falsehoods on abortion, denying claims that Democrats supported late-term abortions. Trump used anti-immigrant rhetoric to conjure fears of violence and accused Biden of wanting open borders. He also deflected Biden’s accusations about his reaction to the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.
How Did the Presidential Debates 2024 Impact the Polls?
Leading up to the presidential debates 2024, polls showed Trump and Biden in a tight race, with Trump slightly ahead. A survey from The New York Times and Siena College showed Trump with nearly 48% support, about four points ahead of Biden. Political observers noted that the debate could deepen this divide, with Trump’s commanding performance likely giving him an edge.
What Can We Expect in Future Debates?
The presidential debates 2024, was organized and held on Thursday and it was just the first of two scheduled for this year with the second one being on September 10. Common accord both candidates are going to be beset with the challenges of polishing their tactics as well as their presentations.
Biden’s camp is likely to focus on eradicating his debate response flaws, on the other hand, Trump will seek to sustain his strength and keep on roasting Biden.
Who Won the Debate?
Thus, it is possible to discuss the sentence about who won the CNN presidential debate 2024 between Joe Biden and Donald Trump as being rather relative and, in fact, based on one’s political views. But according to the political analysts and observers, it seems that the table has been turned in favor of Trump.
His dominant charisma and pregnancy to guide discussion to the areas where Biden most likely intends to attack could make him seem the more dominant. While, Biden, for instance, sometimes muttered his words and appeared less confident than his rival, one might have additional questions about his age and fitness for presidency.
What is the Duration of the Presidential Debate?
The first of the series of debates involving Joe Biden and the incumbent President of the United States of America, Donald Trump was conducted for about 90 mins. The event was divided into segments and each segment had critical questions such as immigration, the economy, and health.
CNN’s Dana Bash and Jake Tapper kept the candidates on their toes as both were given ample time to lay down their agendas as well as rebut each other.
How to Watch the Debate Tonight?
For those interested in watching the presidential debates 2024 tonight, there are several options available:
- CNN Broadcast: Tune in to CNN at 9:00 PM ET.
- CNN Website: Stream live at starting at 9:00 PM ET.
- CNN Mobile App: Watch live on the CNN app beginning at 9:00 PM ET.
- YouTube: Find the live stream on CNN’s official YouTube channel at 9:00 PM ET.
- Social Media: Follow CNN’s social media accounts for live updates and clips starting at 9:00 PM ET.
The question of who won the presidential debates 2024 is subjective and depends on individual perspectives. Trump appeared more in command and used the opportunity to highlight Biden’s perceived weaknesses. Biden, on the other hand, struggled with his delivery but managed to counter some of Trump’s false claims. As the race continues, both candidates will need to build on their performances to sway undecided voters and secure their path to the presidency.
FAQs on presidential debates 2024:
Q. How many debates are there between Trump and Biden?
Only two debates were agreed upon by Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump; one was held by CNN and the other by ABC News. The impartial Commission on presidential debates 2024, which has supervised presidential debates since 1988, has traditionally hosted three sessions, which they are boycotting.
Q. How long is the presidential debate?
According to CNN, the discussion lasts 90 minutes and includes two commercial breaks.
Q. When is the presidential debate?
On Thursday at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (ET), President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump will square off in the first presidential debate of 2024. The debate is scheduled to end at 10:30 PM ET, lasting around ninety minutes.